Veterans Golf
It was very “chilly” early in the morning for the 51 members, plus one visitor from down south, who played the front nine on Friday, but then it developed into quite a nice day once the breeze had dropped. Scoring was a little better on the front nine which was pleasing to see. Our winner for the morning was Wayne Smyth with a score of 20pts. Congratulations Wayne you have won a $35.00 Pro Shop Voucher. We then had count backs to determine second, third and 4th placings all with 19pts. Second place went to John Ramsey and third to Frank Henry, also on the same score, but missing out on a placing was Tony Gray. Two players scored 18pts being Bill Hely & Nick McGhie. Following with 17pts was Andrew Horton. Next with 16pts were Les Rae, Bruce Grogan, Bob Cannon & Peter Kay. We then had a number of players scoring 15pts, who were Barry Thomas, Jerry Anderson, John Frame, Max Henry, Neville Cross, David Easterman, Ken Truman & John Lovell. The final balls were awarded to some players scoring 14pts after count backs. The lucky players were, Eric Callcut, Stuart Johns, Richard Campbell, Martin Gillies & Andrew Frost.
Nearest the Pin on the 9th hole was won by Richard Campbell.
The CENTRAL NORTH VETERANS GOLF – LONGYARD OPEN DAY is to be held on FRIDAY 13TH MAY. John Ramsey has the Nomination Form attached to our Veterans Notice Board. All details for the day will no doubt be contained on the form. So if members are interested in playing in the event, make sure you get your name down on the Nomination Form by noon on Tuesday 10th May.
FRIDAY 13TH MAY. Normal Tee Schedule from the 10th Tee, commencing at 7.30am.
FRIDAY 20TH MAY. SHOTGUN START from the FRONT NINE, commencing at 8.30am. “SUPER FRIDAY” Increased prizes, extended ball list, PLUS finger food. Sponsored by PREMIUM AGED & COMMUNITY SERVICES (PACS)
FRIDAY 27TH MAY. Normal Tee Schedule from the 10th Tee, commencing at 7.30am.
Enjoy your golf and I look forward to seeing you in the Club for our presentations.
Regards, Peter Izod- Captain.
Mob 0418 245 058.